Friday, September 23, 2016

Anxiety & Homeopathy.

Anxiety & Homeopathy.

Anxiety, emotional state in which people feel uneasy, apprehensive, or fearful. People usually experience anxiety about events they cannot control or predict, or about events that seem threatening or dangerous. For example, students taking an important test may feel anxious because they cannot predict the test questions or feel certain of a good grade. People often use the words fear and anxiety to describe the same thing. Fear also describes a reaction to immediate danger characterized by a strong desire to escape the situation.
The physical symptoms of anxiety reflect a chronic "readiness" to deal with some future threat. These symptoms may include fidgeting, muscle tension, sleeping problems, and headaches. Higher levels of anxiety may produce such symptoms as rapid heartbeat, sweating, increased blood pressure, nausea, and dizziness.
All people experience anxiety to some degree. Most people feel anxious when faced with a new situation, such as a first date, or when trying to do something well, such as give a public speech. A mild to moderate amount of anxiety in these situations is normal and even beneficial. Anxiety can motivate people to prepare for an upcoming event and can help keep them focused on the task at hand.
However, too little anxiety or too much anxiety can cause problems. Individuals who feel no anxiety when faced with an important situation may lack alertness and focus. On the other hand, individuals who experience an abnormally high amount of anxiety often feel overwhelmed, immobilized, and unable to accomplish the task at hand. People with too much anxiety often suffer from one of the anxiety disorders, a group of mental illnesses. In fact, more people experience anxiety disorders than any other type of mental illness. A survey of people aged 15 to 54 in the United States found that about 17 percent of this population suffers from an anxiety disorder during any given year.

The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a handbook for mental health professionals, describes a variety of anxiety disorders. These include generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
People with generalized anxiety disorder feel anxious most of the time. They worry excessively about routine events or circumstances in their lives. Their worries often relate to finances, family, personal health, and relationships with others. Although they recognize their anxiety as irrational or out of proportion to actual events, they feel unable to control their worrying. For example, they may worry uncontrollably and intensely about money despite evidence that their financial situation is stable. Children with this disorder typically worry about their performance at school or about catastrophic events, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, and nuclear war.
People with generalized anxiety disorder often find that their worries interfere with their ability to function at work or concentrate on tasks. Physical symptoms, such as disturbed sleep, irritability, muscle aches, and tension, may accompany the anxiety. To receive a diagnosis of this disorder, individuals must have experienced its symptoms for at least six months.
Generalized anxiety disorder affects about 3 percent of people in the general population in any given year. From 55 to 66 percent of people with this disorder are female.

B. Phobias
A phobia is an excessive, enduring fear of clearly defined objects or situations that interferes with a person’s normal functioning. Although they know their fear is irrational, people with phobias always try to avoid the source of their fear. Common phobias include fear of heights (acrophobia), fear of enclosed places (claustrophobia), fear of insects, snakes, or other animals, and fear of air travel. Social phobias involve a fear of performing, of critical evaluation, or of being embarrassed in front of other people.
 C. Panic Disorder
Panic is an intense, overpowering surge of fear. People with panic disorder experience panic attacks—periods of quickly escalating, intense fear and discomfort accompanied by such physical symptoms as rapid heartbeat, trembling, shortness of breath, dizziness, and nausea. Because people with this disorder cannot predict when these attacks will strike, they develop anxiety about having additional panic attacks and may limit their activities outside the home.
 D. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
In obsessive-compulsive disorder, people persistently experience certain intrusive thoughts or images (obsessions) or feel compelled to perform certain behaviors (compulsions). Obsessions may include unwanted thoughts about inadvertently poisoning others or injuring a pedestrian while driving. Common compulsions include repetitive hand washing or such mental acts as repeated counting. People with this disorder often perform compulsions to reduce the anxiety produced by their obsessions. The obsessions and compulsions significantly interfere with their ability to function and may consume a great deal of time.
 E. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder sometimes occurs after people experience traumatic or catastrophic events, such as physical or sexual assaults, natural disasters, accidents, and wars. People with this disorder relive the traumatic event through recurrent dreams or intrusive memories called flashbacks. They avoid things or places associated with the trauma and may feel emotionally detached or estranged from others. Other symptoms may include difficulty sleeping, irritability, and trouble concentrating.
Most anxiety disorders do not have an obvious cause. They result from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.
 A. Genetics and Neurobiology
Studies suggest that anxiety disorders run in families. That is, children and close relatives of people with disorders are more likely than most to develop anxiety disorders. Some people may inherit genes that make them particularly vulnerable to anxiety. These genes do not necessarily cause people to be anxious, but the genes may increase the risk of anxiety disorders when certain psychological and social factors are also present.
Anxiety also appears to be related to certain brain functions. Chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters enable neurons, or brain cells, to communicate with each other. One neurotransmitter, gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), appears to play a role in regulating one’s level of anxiety. Lower levels of GABA are associated with higher levels of anxiety. Some studies suggest that the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin play a role in panic disorder.
 B. Psychological Factors
Psychologists have proposed a variety of models to explain anxiety. Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud suggested that anxiety results from internal, unconscious conflicts. He believed that a person’s mind represses wishes and fantasies about which the person feels uncomfortable. This repression, Freud believed, results in anxiety disorders, which he called neuroses.
More recently, behavioral researchers have challenged Freud’s model of anxiety. They believe one’s anxiety level relates to how much a person believes events can be predicted or controlled. Children who have little control over events, perhaps because of overprotective parents, may have little confidence in their ability to handle problems as adults. This lack of confidence can lead to increased anxiety.
Behavioral theorists also believe that children may learn anxiety from a role model, such as a parent. By observing their parent’s anxious response to difficult situations, the child may learn a similar anxious response. A child may also learn anxiety as a conditioned response. For example, an infant often startled by a loud noise while playing with a toy may become anxious just at the sight of the toy. Some experts suggest that people with a high level of anxiety misinterpret normal events as threatening. For instance, they may believe their rapid heartbeat indicates they are experiencing a panic attack when in reality it may be the result of exercise.
 C. Social Factors
While some people may be biologically and psychologically predisposed to feel anxious, most anxiety is triggered by social factors. Many people feel anxious in response to stress, such as a divorce, starting a new job, or moving. Also, how a person expresses anxiety appears to be shaped by social factors. For example, many cultures accept the expression of anxiety and emotion in women, but expect more reserved emotional displays from men.
Mental health professionals use a variety of methods to help people overcome anxiety disorders. These include psychoactive drugs and psychotherapy, particularly behavior therapy. Other techniques, such as exercise, hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback, may also prove helpful.
 A. Medications
Psychiatrists often prescribe benzodiazepines, a group of tranquilizing drugs, to reduce anxiety in people with high levels of anxiety. Benzodiazepines help to reduce anxiety by stimulating the GABA neurotransmitter system. Common benzodiazepines include alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin), and diazepam (Valium). Two classes of antidepressant drugs—tricyclics and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—also have proven effective in treating certain anxiety disorders.
Benzodiazepines can work quickly with few unpleasant side effects, but they can also be addictive. In addition, benzodiazepines can slow down or impair motor behavior or thinking and must be used with caution, particularly in elderly persons. SSRIs take longer to work than the benzodiazepines but are not addictive. Some people experience anxiety symptoms again when they stop taking the medications.
 B. Psychotherapy
Therapists who attribute the cause of anxiety to unconscious, internal conflicts may use psychoanalysis to help people understand and resolve their conflicts. Other types of psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, have proven effective in treating anxiety disorders. In cognitive-behavioral therapy, the therapist often educates the person about the nature of his or her particular anxiety disorder. Then, the therapist may help the person challenge irrational thoughts that lead to anxiety. For example, to treat a person with a snake phobia, a therapist might gradually expose the person to snakes, beginning with pictures of snakes and progressing to rubber snakes and real snakes. The patient can use relaxation techniques acquired in therapy to overcome the fear of snakes.
Research has shown psychotherapy to be as effective or more effective than medications in treating many anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy may also provide more lasting benefits than medications when patients discontinue treatment.
                             HOMŒOPATHIC TREATMENT
Aconitum napellus:
A panic attack that comes on suddenly with very strong fear (even fear of death) may indicate this remedy. A state of immense anxiety may be accompanied by strong palpitations, shortness of breath, and flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking experience will be the underlying cause. Strong feelings of anxiety may also occur when a person is just beginning to come down with a flu or cold.
Argentum nitricum:
This remedy can be helpful when anxiety develops before a big event: an exam, an important interview, a public appearance or social engagement. Dizziness and diarrhea may also be experienced. People who need this remedy are often enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses. They often crave sweets and salt (which usually make their symptoms worse).
Arsenicum album:
People who are deeply anxious about their health, and extremely concerned with order and security, often benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small details and very neat, they may feel a desperate need to be in control of everything. Panic attacks often occur around midnight or the very early hours of the morning. The person may feel exhausted yet still be restless—fidgeting, pacing, and anxiously moving from place to place. These people may also have digestive problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety.
Calcarea carbonica:
This remedy is usually indicated for dependable, solid people who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start to fear a breakdown. Their thoughts can be muddled and confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry and bad news may agitate them, and a nagging dread of disaster (to themselves or others) may develop. Fear of heights and claustrophobia are also common. A person who needs this remedy is often chilly and sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is easily fatigued.
Feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being "paralyzed by fear") suggest a need for this remedy. It is often helpful when a person has stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or feels anxious before a test, a visit to the dentist, or any stressful event. Chills, perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches will often occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
Ignatia amara:
A sensitive person who is anxious because of grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness (or any stressful emotional experience) may benefit from this remedy. A defensive attitude, frequent sighing, and mood swings are other indications. The person may burst unexpectedly into either tears or laughter. Headaches that feel like a nail driven into the side of the head, and cramping pains in the abdomen or back, are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Kali phosphoricum:
When a person has been exhausted by overwork or illness and feels a deep anxiety and inability to cope, this remedy may help. The person is jumpy and oversensitive, and may be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events can aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability to concentrate may develop, increasing the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest often bring relief. Headaches, backaches, and nervous digestive upsets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. They can be self-conscious and feel intimidated by people they perceive as powerful (yet may also swagger or be domineering toward those with whom they feel more comfortable). Taking on responsibility can cause a deep anxiety and fear of failure, although the person usually does well, once started on a task. Claustrophobia, irritability, digestive upsets with gas and bloating, and a craving for sweets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Natrum muriaticum:
Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness can make these people seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when feeling lonely, they tend to stay away from social situations, not knowing what to say or do. (Inhibitions sometimes leave completely if they turn to alcohol, which makes them feel embarrassed afterwards.) Easily hurt and offended, they can brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy feelings, and isolate themselves—refusing consolation even when they want it. However, they are often sympathetic listeners to other people’s problems. Claustrophobia, anxiety at night (with fears of robbers or intruders), migraines, and insomnia are often seen when this remedy is needed.
People who need this remedy are openhearted, imaginative, excitable, easily startled, and full of intense and vivid fears. Strong anxiety can be triggered by thinking of almost anything. Nervous and sensitive to others, they can overextend themselves with sympathy to the point of feeling exhausted and "spaced out" or even getting ill. They want a lot of company and reassurance, often feeling better from conversation or a back-rub. Easy flushing of the face, palpitations, thirst, and a strong desire for cold, refreshing foods are other indications for Phosphorus.
People who need this remedy often express anxiety as insecurity and clinginess, with a need for constant support and comforting. The person may be moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally childish. (Pulsatilla is a very useful remedy for children.) Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room often increases anxiety. Fresh air and gentle exercise often bring relief. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) often is helped with Pulsatilla.
Silicea :
People who need this remedy are capable and serious, yet are also nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety can be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or any new job or task. Worry and overwork can bring on headaches, difficulty concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread. Responsible and diligent, they often overreact and devote attention to tiny details—making their worries (and their work) more difficult. They often have low stamina and come down with colds, sore throats, or other illnesses after working hard or being under stress.

Mother tinctures (External Use).

Mother tinctures (External Use).

Chrysarobinum *Acne 1* Locally as a cerate, 4-8 grains to the ounce, of vaseline.
Echinacea *Acne 2* Can be applied on face mixed with any facial cream.
Ichthyolum *Acne rosacea* Externally used as an ointment with Lanoline 20 to 50 per cent.
Cinnamonum *Antiseptic 1* 3-4 drops in 2 quarts of water and should be used as a douche.
Echinacea *Antiseptic 2* Bed sores, Carbuncles, Insect-bites, Gangrene.
Eupatorium Aromaticum *Aphthæ* Aphthous disease of mouths of infants. Used as a mouth wash.
Hydrastinum Muriaticum *Aphthous ulcers* To be used locally in the strength of 10 grains to 8 ounces.
Jaborandi *Baldness* Mix it with hair oil and apply it. It can be mixed with Arnica mother tincture also to get a better result.
Cedron *Bites* For insect stings and snake bites.
Adrenalin *Bleeding 1* To plug the internal bleeding surface, as in epistaxis to stop the bleeding immediately. 1 : 1000 solution.
Ferrum Phos *Bleeding 2* To arrest bleeding. Hæmorrhages are bright red and occur in pale, anæmic subjects liable to local congestions.
Mag Sulph *Boils* Small eruptions all over the body that itch violently.
Arnica Montana *Bruises, contusions, ecchymosis* Skin surface is not broken.
Apis Mellifica *Burns and scalds 1* With burning and stinging.
Cantharis *Burns and scalds 2* Relieves raw burning pain and promotes healing, covers acute nephritis. One gram of the tincture to one ounce of water is to be applied externally.
Momordica Balsamina *Burns* Used externally as a liniment and poultice.
Scrophularia Nodosa *Cancer, glands* For cancerous glands locally.
Citric Acid *Cancer, pains 1* Used as a mouth wash for cancer pains.
Lupulus *Cancer, pains 2* Painful cancer.
Cineraria Maritima *Cataract* One drop 4-5 times a day should be instilled in the eyes for several months.
Momordica Balsamina *Chapped hands* Used externally as a liniment and poultice.
Ichthyolum *Chilblains* Use locally as an ointment.
Cineraria Maritima *Corneal opacities* Especially after trauma.
Hypericum *Corns* Painful corns. It should be applied 2 to 3 times per day. It can be applied on painful acne also.
Balsamum Peru *Cracked nipples* Single application as a cerate is sufficient.
Badiaga *Dandruff 1* Dandruff where scalp is dry, sore, tetter-like.
Cochleria Armoracia *Dandruff 2* When applied locally, it cures dandruff.
Cantharis *Dermatitis* With blister formation.
Chrysarobinum *Eczema 1* Where the eruptions are crusty, under which pus oozes.
Ichthyolum *Eczema 2* Chronic eczema, scaly and itching.
Apis Mellifica *Erysipelas 1* Sensitiveness and swelling of skin with rosy hue.
Cantharis *Erysipelas 2* Vesicular type with burning and itching.
Mag Sulph *Erysipelas 3* Apply locally a saturated solution. Acts as an antiphlogistic and antipruritic.
Arnica Montana *Falling of hair* Mix with hair oil and apply it.
Hamamelis *Fissures 1* Use distilled extract locally.
Ratanhia *Fissures 2* With great constriction of anus and knife-like stitches.
Badiaga *Freckles* Can be used externally.
Ruta Graveolens *Ganglion* Apply tincture locally.
Ceanothus *Hair tonic* Use externally. Especially for persons with splenic affections.
Capsicum *Herpes labialis* Apply one drop of mother tincture.
Cantharis *Herpes zoster* Herpes with raw, burning pains. Apply an ointment made with the 3x potency.
Chrysarobinum *Herpes* Herpes tonsurans where lesions tend to become confluent.
Apis Mellifica *Insect bites* Especially bee-stings.
Psoralia *Leucoderma* It should be applied on patches and the patient is advised to take sunheat, in the morning for 10-15 minutes. If there is itching, it should be stopped immediately.
Staphysagria *Lice* Lice infestation on head.
Phytolacca *Mastitis* Mammæ hard and very sensitive.
Bellis Perrenis *Nævi* Apply on affected parts.
Sanguinaria *Nasal polyp* It is best for nasal washing. When there is a nasal polyp, or deviated nasal septum. Take seven drops, mix with half a cup of water and take nasal wash.
Chloralum *Offensive foot sweat* Bathe feet with one percent solution.
Argentum Nitricum *Ophthalmia* Ophthalmia with abundant, purulent discharge. Locally apply a 2 grain to 1 ounce solution.
Mag Sulph *Orchitis* Should be used locally in the proportion of 1:4 in water.
Ratanhia *Piles* Piles burning like fire, temporarily relieved by cold water.
Teucrium Marum Verum *Polyp* Nasal polypi. Dry powder should be used.
Arnica Montana *Premature greying of hair* Apply locally.
Menthol *Pruritus 1* Especially used in pruritis vulvæ.
Symphytum *Pruritus ani* Use locally.
Borax *Pruritus pudendii* Use locally in pruritis vulvæ.
Mentha Piperata *Pruritus vaginæ* Apply externally.
Chrysarobinum *Psoriasis 1* Crusty eruptions which tend to become confluent.
Ichthyolum *Psoriasis 2* Externally used as an ointment with Lanoline 20 to 50 per cent.
Phytolacca *Pyorrhœa* As a mouthwash for pyorrhœa alveolaris and for offensive breath.
Balsamum Peru *Rhagades* Promotes granulation.
Ichthyolum *Rheumatic joints* A solution of equal parts of Ichthyol and water is warmed and applied to the affected joint and covered with heated cloths, outside of which is impervious to evaporation.
Alstonia Scholaris *Rheumatic pains* Apply locally.
Chrysarobinum *Ringworm 1* Of the scalp.
Oleum Jecoris *Ringworm 2* Locally in ring-worm and nightly rubbing. Apply plain oil at bedtime. Before application the part must be washed well with soft soap.
Balsamum Peru *Scabies 1* Apply locally a solution prepared in the ratio of 1:40. All parts are gently rubbed with it at night and a bath taken in the morning.
Ichthyolum *Scabies 2* Apply externally.
Thiosinaminum *Scar tissue* Dissolves scar tissue. Keloids.
Ranunculus Bulbosus *Sciatica* Apply tincture to heel of affected leg.
Mag Sulph *Septic conditions* Add one part of tincture to 4 parts of water and apply locally.
Eupatorium Aromaticum *Sore nipples 1* Tincture should be applied locally.
Graphites *Sore nipples 2* Locally used as a cerate.
Phytolacca *Sore throat* Take 5 drops, mix with half a cup of water and gargle.
Platanus *Tumors* Tarsal tumours.
Hamamelis *Ulcerations* With bruised soreness of the affected parts.
Alstonia Scholaris *Ulcers 1* Should be used externally.
Hydrastis Canadensis *Ulcers 2* Locally apply tincture or fluid extract.
Geranium Maculatum *Ulcers, atonic* Atonic and foul ulcers. To destroy the pyogenic membrane.
Balsamum Peru *Ulcers, indolent* Raw surfaces of indolent ulcers. To promote granulation and remove fœtor.
Cistus Canadensis *Ulcers, phagedenic* To arrest fœtid discharges.
Symphytum *Ulcers, sores* Apply externally.
Apis Mellifica *Urticaria* Intolerable itching with intolerance to heat and slightest touch.
Sabina *Warts 1* Fig-warts with intolerable itching and burning.
Sempervivum Tectorum *Warts 2* Apply tincture or fresh juice of plants.
Thuja Occidentalis *Warts, excrescences* Manifestations of the sycotic dyscrasia.
Calendula Officinalis *Wounds* Burns, sores, fissures and abrasions. Promotes granulation and prevents scars.
Sempervivum Tectorum *Wounds, bites* Bites of insects, bee stings, poisoned wounds.
Cistus Canadensis *Wounds, poisonous* Poisonous wounds. Bites.

Any information given above is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Therefore, it is very important that the patients should avoid self-treatment and rather consult the most abled and qualified classical homœopath and take the treatment under his proper guidance and advice.


Teething Problems in Babies

Teething Problems in Babies

                                  Condition's symptoms and associated Homeopathic Remedy:


·         Great irritability!

·         Can't stand the pain. Oversensitive to it. Asks for one thing after another - to try and be distracted from the pain. Capricious.

·         Like to be constantly carried.

·         Green diarrhoea - "chopped spinach".

·         Baby hot generally. Cheek red on affected side.

·         Gums inflamed, dribbling. 

Calc Carb

·         Slowness.

·         Child flabby, quite fair-skinned. Big, not necessarily healthy. Likes food. Head big proportionately.

·         Perspiration - particularly around head. Slightly sour. Clammy sweat round head, cold hands, feet.

·         Stomach really protrudes.

·         Can have difficulties digesting milk.

     Calc Phos

·         Persistant vomiting, therefore emaciation.

·         Similar to Calc Carb case, but smaller build.

·         Emaciated - problems putting on weight.

·         Difficulties in digesting, assimilating milk, persistant vomiting. 

         Diarrhoea during teething.

·         Colic followed by Diarrhoea.


·         Similar problems with digesting milk.

·         Finely built.

·         Perspiration round head, but right down to neck.

·         Quite friendly babies.

·         Tendency towards constipation ("bashful" stools).


·         Sourness!! (Sweat, vomiting, stools, breath.)

·         A lot of colic, diarrhoea.

·         Can be extremely weepy, demanding.


·         Extremely strong desire to bite!


·         Mainly when convulsions during teething.

·         Moody, changeable nature.


·         Wedge-shaped teeth. Deformed.

·         Teeth often slightly decayed on coming through. Black spots.

·         Pain, much worse at night (Symph).


·         Diarrhoea as main symptom of this case of teething problems.

Cell Salts: to strengthen.

Calc. Phos.

Calc. Fluour


Mag. Phos.



Calc Phos



Difficulties Digesting Milk

Calc Carb 

Calc Phos


Hair Loss Treatment

FACT: Specialists say we normally loose in a day up to 100 hairs.

- Genetics
- Hormonal Imbalance (Thyroid gland is overactive or under active, Just gave birth)
- Stress
- Chemicals in Shampoos, Conditioners
- Part of an underlying disease such as Lupus and Diabetes
- Have gone major surgery
- Taking Medicines such as blood thinners (also called anticoagulants), medicines used for gout, high blood pressure or heart problems, vitamin A (if too much is taken), birth control pills and antidepressants.
- Hairstyles that puts too much tension on your hair like Pigtails, ponytails (secured by elastic bands), cornrows or winding too tightly onto rollers (especially heated rollers)
- Chemicals used in permanents (also called "perms") may cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss.
- Scalp conditions such as Fungal infections or Psoriasis

Hair loss in women and men can be prevented or stopped if you take care of your hair and scalp.

- Do not wash your hair with too much hot water.
- If you use any shampoo, use only an ORGANIC shampoo or conditioner.
- Do not comb the hair backwards. Use a good quality brush or comb. Avoid excessive brushing.
- Massage the scalp vigorously for 10 to 15 minutes (until you start to feel hot there) after bathing it with water. This stimulates the blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles in the scalp and prevent hair loss.
- Coconut oil and castor are very good for hair.
- Boil dry pieces of amla (Indian goose berry) in coconut oil and apply on hair for hair loss prevention.


1. Protein Grows Hair
Because the hair is made of protein, a protein deficiency can cause hair loss. Add protein to the diet by including chick peas, soy beans, almonds, nuts, pumpkin seeds. (Hey, You may eat foods which are not only from animal products.)

2. Vitamin C is Needed for Healthy Hair
Vitamin C is also a component of healthy hair. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are especially high in vitamin C, as are green peppers. Suggested dosage is 1,000 to 3,000 mg a day.

3. B Vitamins Increase Hair Growth
Biotin and the complex B vitamins are needed to grow hair. B3 helps increase circulation to the scalp, thereby encouraging hair growth. It is best to take a supplement that includes all of the B vitamins, called a B complex supplement, as the nutrients work synergistically.
Suggestions: legumes, eggs, mushrooms, yeast, nuts and salmon.

4. Iron Reduces Hair Loss
The mineral iron helps increase circulation in the scalp as well, which then fuels hair growth. Foods that are high in iron include liver, apricots and raisins.

5. Drink Water to Grow Hair
The hair shaft is comprised of one quarter water. Drink at least 10 cups of water a day to stay hydrated and grow healthy hair.

6. Reduce Alcoholic Beverages to Reduce Hair Loss
Drinking alcohol reduces hair growth. Reduce or eliminate alcohol from the diet and you will see an increase in hair growth.

7. Vitamin E Grows Hair
Vitamin E is another nutrient needed to grow hair. It stimulates the circulation in the scalp and can be taken internally or applied to the scalp.

8. Vitamin A Feeds Healthy Hair
Vitamin A helps create vibrant shiny hair because it works with the fat synthesis in the hair follicles and spurs hair growth. Foods that contain vitamin A include eggs, kale, squash, and carrots.


1. Coconut Milk
Applying coconut milk to the scalp is a popular folk remedy for hair growth, particularly in countries where people consume and use a large amount of coconut milk in cooking, such as Thailand and the Philippines. To use coconut milk on the scalp, apply approximately one-half cup to the scalp and wrap your head in a towel. Leave the coconut milk in your hair for about 30 minutes before shampooing your hair with a gentle shampoo to remove the coconut milk.

2. Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary essential oil is a common Ayurvedic remedy that is applied to the scalp for hair loss, according to Melanie A. Sachs, author of "Ayurvedic Beauty Care." To use rosemary essential oil, mix three teaspoons with six teaspoons of a carrier oil such as olive oil, vitamin E oil or avocado oil. Apply the mixture to the scalp and cover your hair with a towel. Leave the mixture on for 20 to 25 minutes before washing your hair with a gentle shampoo.

3. Black Pepper and Lime Juice
Black pepper and lime juice is a common folk remedy to help hair grow, and lime juice is regularly used in Ayurvedic medicine according to Melanie A. Sachs, author of "Ayurvedic Beauty Care." To apply black pepper and lime juice to the hair, blend two tablespoons whole black peppercorns with one-quarter cup of freshly squeezed or natural lime juice in a blender or food processor until the ingredients form a smooth, thin paste. Apply the paste to the scalp and wrap a towel around your head for 45 minutes before rinsing the hair with cool water and shampooing with gentle shampoo.

4. Honey
- Make a paste by mixing olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Apply and massage on the scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and repeat it for 3-4 times a week.

- Mix one tablespoon honey with one small glass of brandy or vodka and onion juice; rub mixture into the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning.

- Combine 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of raw honey, and then massage the scalp with the mixture every night.

- Massage into the scalp and hair honey with egg yolk. Leave for a 1/2 hour, then wash. This is a common natural cure for dull and dry hair.

5. Wheatgrass juice is one of the most effective remedies against hair fall. It is known to decrease the shedding tendency of hair within a few weeks of regular intake. Aloe vera juice has a similar effect. However, aloe gel can be applied to the scalp too. This is helpful for preventing hair loss due to irritated, dry or infected scalp. After massaging the head with aloe gel, wash the hair with lukewarm water. This can be done twice, every week.

Natural remedies are not effective for everyone. In some cases of hair loss, there may be no cure or medical treatment may be the only option. Consult your dermatologist or physician to discuss the best option for you.

Bronchial Asthma and Homeopathy

Bronchial Asthma.
Asthma, disorder of the respiratory system in which the passages that enable air to pass into and out of the lungs periodically narrow, causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. This narrowing is typically temporary and reversible, but in severe attacks, asthma may result in death. Asthma most commonly refers to bronchial asthma, an inflammation of the airways, but the term is also used to refer to cardiac asthma, which develops when fluid builds up in the lungs as a complication of heart failure. This article focuses on bronchial asthma.
BREATHING  Every cell in the human body requires oxygen to function, and the lungs make that oxygen available. With every breath we take, air travels to the lungs through a series of tubes and airways. After passing through the mouth and throat, air moves through the larynx, commonly known as the voice box, and then through the trachea, or windpipe. The trachea divides into two branches, called the right bronchus and the left bronchus, that connect directly to the lungs. Air continues through the bronchi, which divide into smaller and smaller air passages in the lungs, called bronchioles. The bronchioles end in clusters of tiny air sacs, called alveoli, which are surrounded by tiny, thin-walled blood vessels called capillaries.
Here, deep in the lungs, oxygen diffuses through the alveoli walls and into the blood in the capillaries, and gaseous waste products in the blood—mainly carbon dioxide—diffuse through the capillary walls and into the alveoli. But if something prevents the oxygen from reaching the alveoli, the body’s cells do not receive a constant supply of vital oxygen, and carbon dioxide builds up to harmful levels in the blood.
Asthma attacks occur when the bronchi and bronchioles become inflamed, reducing the space through which air can travel through the lungs. This causes the asthmatic to work harder to move air in and out of the lungs. Asthma attacks usually begin with mild chest pressure and a dry cough. As an attack intensifies, wheezing develops and increases in pitch; breathing becomes difficult; and coughing produces thick, stringy mucus. As the airway inflammation prevents some of the oxygen-rich air from reaching the alveoli, the cells of the body start to burn oxygen at a higher rate, actually increasing the body’s demand for oxygen. The frequency of asthma attacks varies considerably among asthma suffers. Some people have daily attacks, while others can go months or even years without having an attack
Inflammation of the airway occurs when an irritant—such as pet hair or cigarette smoke—comes into contact with the airway walls. Upon detecting the irritant as a harmful invader, the body’s immune system sends special cells known as mast cells to the site of irritation, in this case the airway walls. The mast cells release histamine, a chemical that causes swelling and redness in a process called the inflammatory response. Histamine also causes bronchospasms, in which the muscles lining the airway walls contract repeatedly, causing the airways to narrow even more. In addition, cells that lubricate the airways with mucus—called goblet cells—overreact to the inflammatory response by secreting too much mucus. This mucus clogs the bronchioles, resulting in wheezing and coughing.
Asthma attacks are caused by airway hyperresponsiveness—that is, an overreaction of the bronchi and bronchioles to various environmental and physiological stimuli, known as triggers. The most common causes of asthma attacks are extremely small and lightweight particles transported through the air and inhaled into the lungs. When they enter the airways, these particles, known as environmental triggers, cause an inflammatory response in the airway walls, resulting in an asthma attack.
For some people the environmental triggers are allergens. Allergens are usually natural substances, such as plant pollen and mold spores, animal dander (tiny pieces of animal hair and skin), and fecal material from dust mites and cockroaches. Allergens produce an exaggerated response of the immune system in which a specific antibody, immunoglobulin E, initiates the inflammatory response. These same allergens may cause little or no reaction in nonallergic people.
Asthma also occurs in people who do not have allergies. In these people, chemical irritants trigger an inflammatory response that is initiated in a different way than in allergen-triggered asthma. For example, some people are sensitive to certain common chemical irritants, such as perfume, hairspray, cosmetics, and household cleaners. Other chemical irritants include industrial chemicals and plastics, as well as many forms of air pollution, such as exposure to high levels of ozone, car exhaust, wood smoke, and sulfur dioxide. Current research seeks to determine whether indoor pollutants also contribute to the development of asthma.
Not all triggers are environmental. Aggravations from within the body are known as physiological triggers and include exercise and infections, such as the common cold. Sometimes substances that asthmatics eat or drink bring on attacks. Chemicals found in food or medicine—such as food sulfites found in beer and wine—and medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen are especially problematic for many asthma sufferers. Intense emotion, such as crying, shouting, or laughing, may provoke hyperventilation, a rapid inhalation of oxygen that causes the airway to narrow. In asthmatics, hyperventilation often results in an attack. Many asthmatics are especially sensitive to physical exercise in cold weather.
Research suggests that genetic factors may increase the risk of developing the disorder. Children with a family history of asthma are more likely to develop asthma than other children. Despite this apparent genetic link, many people without a family history of asthma develop the disorder, and scientists continue to investigate additional causes.
DIAGNOSIS    Physicians typically diagnose asthma by looking for the classic symptoms: episodic problems with breathing that include wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. When symptoms alone fail to establish a diagnosis of asthma, doctors may use spirometry, a test that measures airflow. By comparing a patient’s normal airflow, airflow during an attack, and airflow after the application of asthma medication, doctors determine whether the medicine improves the patient’s breathing problems. If asthma medication helps, doctors usually diagnose the condition as asthma.
Identifying the specific trigger of a patient’s asthma is usually more difficult than the initial diagnosis. Triggers may be easily recognizable and consistent; for example, a patient may always develop an asthma attack when using a particular cosmetic or household cleaning product. When the triggers are more difficult to identify, doctors perform a series of allergy skin tests to help determine whether allergy triggers are responsible. Skin tests are not conclusive, however, because patients may have skin reactions to substances that do not necessarily trigger an asthma attack. Doctors may also use spirometry to evaluate a patient’s airflow before and after exposure to common triggers. Triggers that decrease airflow may be responsible for the patient’s asthma.
Although there is no cure for asthma, effective treatment is available for preventing attacks and for controlling and ending attacks soon after they have begun. Asthma medications are taken orally or inhaled in vapor form using a metered-dose inhaler, a hand-held pump that delivers medication directly to the airways. There are two kinds of asthma medications: bronchodilators, which reduce bronchospasm; and anti-inflammatory medications, which reduce airway inflammation.
Bronchodilators are the most widely used medications for controlling sudden asthma attacks and for preventing attacks brought on by physical activity or exercise. They work directly on sites called beta-receptors that are attached to small muscle bands encircling the airways. When these drugs attach to the beta-receptors, the muscles relax and the airway dilates. Theophylline is a bronchodilator that works by relaxing the muscles surrounding the airways.
Anti-inflammatory medications work mainly by interfering with the activity and chemistry of immune cells, such as mast cells, that cause inflammation in the airway walls. Anti-inflammatory medications also help relax the airway muscles that constrict during bronchospasm. Corticosteroids reduce asthma symptoms by suppressing the immune response, and they often succeed when no other asthma treatment works. Over time they reduce the sensitivity of the airways to many common triggers. Long-term use of oral corticosteroids may have severe side effects, including weakening of the bones and the development of cataract, a clouding of the lens of the eye. Recent studies suggest that small doses of inhaled corticosteroids taken in combination with certain bronchodilators may work equally well while significantly reducing the side effects. Leukotriene modifiers, another type of anti-inflammatory medication, are taken orally as an alternative to corticosteroids for the long-term treatment of mild asthma.
Immunotherapy is a treatment option for asthma caused by allergens. This form of therapy modifies a person’s allergic response by repeated exposure to small amounts of allergens. The asthmatic is injected periodically with known allergens, a procedure that trains the asthmatic’s body to react to the allergens differently. Immunotherapy is especially effective in reducing allergic reactions to dust mites, animal dander, pollen, and fungi.
To control asthma attacks before they begin, asthmatics can measure their peak expository flow rate (PEFR), which is a gauge of how fast a person can exhale air from the lungs. By breathing into a small hand-held device called a flow meter, an asthmatic can learn when their airways are first starting to narrow. When the PEFR falls, asthma medication may be needed to prevent an attack. PEFR and medication should be used under a physician’s guidance.
Asthmatics can also prevent and control attacks by limiting their exposure to environmental triggers, especially allergens. Frequently cleaning carpeting, bedding, and household upholstery reduces levels of irritants and allergens in the home. To prevent asthma attacks, asthmatics should wear a mask while cleaning. Regularly bathing pets minimizes levels of animal dander in the air. Asthmatics should take care to avoid pollutants and irritants such as cleaning sprays and cigarette smoke whenever possible. Seasonal allergies to pollen and mold spores can be reduced by avoiding the outdoors during peak periods of activity.
Asthma is one of the distressing ailments which are not easy to cure. After using palliative medicines to overcome an acute attack, one should resort to constitutional treatment in order to give permanent relief to the patient. The main constitutional medicines are:
Natrum Sulph.
The above medicines are to be given inter-currently in potency not below 200. No other medicine is to be given for 2 – 3 days before and after. If any of the above medicines have the desired effect, further drugging of the patient should be avoided.
Further, in Asthma the diet plays a very vital role. Thus, the use of white flour, eggs, white sugar, meat, fish, milk, curd and puddings should be avoided.
Difficult getting air into the lungs. ----- Brom., Iod.
Difficult getting air out of lungs. ----- Chlor., Sul.
In rapid short breaths. ----- Acon., Ant-t., Phos.
Shallow. ----- Acon., Ant-t., Nux-v., Phos.
Wheezy. ----- Ars-a., Cinch., Hep-s., Ipec., Phos.
Rattling. ----- Seneg., Sil.
Rattling and wheezing. ----- Ipec., Seneg., Sil., Squil.
As if air passages were full of smoke. ----- Brom.
With fear of suffocation. ----- Ars-a., Ipec., Sul., Ver.
Easy. ----- Cinch.
Cannot perspire. ----- Cham.
Profuse. ----- Hyper.
Chocking. ----- Hep-s.
Loose. ----- Dulc., Nat-s.
Dry. ----- Acon., Ars-a., Bry., Med., Nux-v., Psor.
Violent. ----- Kali-c.
Violent and incessant. ----- Ipec.
Spasmodic. ----- Aral., Cupr., Phos.
Paroxysmal. ----- Nux-v., Samb.
Deep sounding, hoarse. ----- Dros.
< After physical exercise. ----- Dulc.
With: desire but inability to cough. ----- Cham.
With: vomiting. ----- Kali-c., Ipec., Lob.
With: ending with vomiting. ----- Ipec.
With: pain in chest under short ribs. ----- Lob.
With: bleeding from the nose. ----- Dros.
With: must hold chest when coughing. ----- Nat-s.
With: caused by tickling in throat pit. ----- Rumex
Difficult. ----- Alumen, Dulc.
Profuse. ----- Blatta, Grind., Sul.
Worse from. ----- Hyper.
Bloody. ----- Nux-v.
None. ----- Cupr.
Rapid walking. ----- Lob.
Stool. ----- Poth.
From being at seaside. ----- Med.
< Change from warm to cold. ----- Dulc.
< Wet and damp. ----- Dulc., Nat-s., Sil.
< Dry cold air. ----- Hep-s., Rumex
< Foggy. ----- Hyper., Kali-c.
< Warm dry weather. ----- Syph.
< Damp weather. ----- Hep-s.
In right lower chest. ----- Kali-c
In left lower chest. ----- Nat-s.
In right and then in left lungs. ----- Lyc.
Through upper third of right lung. ----- Ars-a.
Through lung to back. ----- Kali-hyd.
In chest and mammæ. ----- Med.
With burning feeling. ----- Ars-a.
With a constrictive feeling in the chest. ----- Ars-a., Cupr., Ipec., Lach.
With cramplike feeling in cardiac region. ----- Ptel.
Painful larynx. ----- Med., Phos.
Persistent nausea. ----- Ipec.
Dyspnœa (Shortness of breath). ----- Acon., Dulc., Euc., Ipec., Kali-p., Lach., Med., Psor., Sil., Sul.
Hands and face blue. ----- Squil.
Face pale. ----- Sil.
Liability to get colds. ----- Cinch.
11 p. m. to midnight. ----- Aral.
Midnight to 2 a. m. ----- Ars-a., Samb.
2 to 3 a. m. ----- Dros., Kali-ars., Samb.
2 to 4 a. m. ----- Kali-c.
3 a. m. ----- Samb.
4 to 5 a. m. ----- Nat-s.
< In morning. ----- Lach.
> Day time. ----- Med.
Always < at night. ----- Aral., Dros., Syph., Tub-bov.
On face in knee/chest position. ----- Med.
Must sit up. ----- Ant-t.
Must sit up as fears suffocation. ----- Ars-a.
Must lie with head high. ----- Ars-a., Cinch.
Must lie flat on back with arms outstretched. ----- Psor.
Sleepless. ----- Chlor.
< Lying down. ----- Grind., Kali-c., Sul.
> Lying down. ----- Psor., Ver.
> From stool. ----- Poth.
Awakes suddenly 3 a. m., nearly suffocated, has to sit up. ----- Samb.
Fair haired, delicate-skinned. ----- Brom.
Corpulent. ----- Blatta
Easy perspiring. ----- Cinch.
Old people particularly. ----- Carb-v., Kali-c.
Sensitive, result of mental emotions. ----- Coff.
Dark haired. ----- Iod.
Better at seaside. ----- Med.
Better in open air. ----- Iod., Napth.
Worse for pressure on throat. ----- Lach., Rumex
Worse for motion. ----- Ars-a., Ver.
Worse for talking. ----- Arum-t., Dros.
Worse in warm room. ----- Iod.
Worse for food. ----- Kali-p.
Worse with annual hayfever. ----- Psor.
Worse due to exertion. ----- Aspido., Coca, Ars-a.
Worse due to dust. ----- Poth., Brom.
Worse going upstairs. ----- Kali-p.
Sailor gets asthma on going to shore. ----- Brom.
Attack of asthma due to mental or nervous emotions. ----- Coff., Kali-p., Succ-ac.
Eczema. ----- Ars. Stibiatum
Measles. ----- Carb-v.
Whooping cough. ----- Carb-v.