Friday, September 23, 2016

Some of the Tested and Proven Prescriptions of Daily Use

     Some of the Tested and Proven Prescriptions of Daily Use


Aethusa 200 – students who get confused in exam and forget


Argentum Nit + Aaethusa 200 combined for fear of


Lycopodium 200 for lack of confidence and anticipatory

fear as in public speaking.

Kali Phos+ Silicea 6x for fear of failure in exam.

Pulsatilla 30 + Phosphorus 30 in children seeking extra


Phosphorus 30 + Aconite 30 + Opium 30 for fear of going to


Staphysagria in sensitive weepy children

Chamomilla 1000 for stubborn ad irritable children.

Phosphorus 30 for fear of being alone.

Arsenic+ Opium + Aconite 30 for children who wake up

startled in the night.

Natrum Sulph 1000 + Arnica 1000 useful for head injury.

Opium 1000 or higher in head injury or stroke with brain


Helliborus Niger for after effects of head injury.

Aurum Met 200 in postoperative nausea after gaining

consciousness. Phosphorous can also be given.

Aconite CM (1 dose) better if given with Opium CM for ill

effects of fear and shock.

One dose of Arnica 1000 before and after surgery safeguards

against possible complications.

Pulsatilla for indigestion after overeating eating fatty food.

Carbo veg for indigestion after overeating carbohydrates.

Nux vomica for rice and meat allergy.

Calc Carb for egg allergy.

Chinimum Ars for diarrhea after eating eggs.

Sulphuric Acid one drop in water three times daily for giving

up smoking.

Nux Vomica 200 for ill effects of wrongly given injections.

Nitric Acid or single dose of Sulphur in high potency for

diarrhea after penicillin.

Kali phos 1000 one dose and few doses of Plumbum 200 for

poor memory.

Lachesis 1000 for people of suspicious nature and also for

fear of the unknown.

Arsenic 1000 (few doses) for fear of death, fear of accidents,

anxiety and generally disinclined to work.

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