Thursday, September 22, 2016

Osteoarthritis & Homeopathy


Homeopathic treatment of osteoarthritis is mostly localized, depending on the joint affected, the nature of the pain, and other symptoms. Constitutional treatment may be required if there is a genetic tendency. Emotional or environmental factors will be less significant than in other serious ailments, since osteoarthritis is a mechanical failure, although stress makes any symptoms less bearable. The choice of constitutional remedy will depend upon an individual’s symptoms

but remedies commonly used include Apis, which is prescribed for inflammation of synovial membranes and overproduction of synovial fluid; and Silica, which is given for the destruction of bone and enlarged bursae (fluid-filled pads that cushion pressure points near a joint). Calc. carb. is indicated for osteoarthritis associated with growths on the bone; and Causticum is prescribed for inflammation of the joints leading to deformity. Other constitutional remedies used include Kali. carb., Lycopodium, Merc. sol., Nat. mur., Pulsatilla, Sepia, and Sulphur.

Remedies given for acute symptoms include Aconite, for shooting pains in a joint accompanied by numbness and tingling; and Belladonna, for joints that become red, swollen, and shiny quickly, and are unbearably painful if jarred. Bryonia is prescribed for joints that are red, swollen, and hot, with the least movement causing agonizing pain; and Ledum is given for joints that feel cold, are swollen, make cracking noises on moving, and are better for cold compresses.

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