Thursday, September 22, 2016

Homeopaathy can Free You from Pain of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS


Homeopathy considers rheumatoid arthritis to be a complex condition. A genetic tendency may be addressed by antimiasmatic treatment . Diet and lifestyle will be studied closely, as will stress or psychological factors as potential triggers of the disease. The choice of remedy will largely be determined by individual symptoms (see page 18). Aurum met. is indicated for destruction of the bone; and Bryonia is used for inflammation and the overproduction of synovial fluid. Calc. phos. affects the maintenance of bones, and is given if they are soft, thin, and brittle. Causticum is prescribed for inflammation of the joints leading to deformity. Iodum, Kali. bich., Lycopodium, and Medorrhinum are also commonly used.

Local remedies include Rhus tox., when there is pain on waking and in cold, damp conditions; and Colchicum, for hot, stiff joints, and pain that moves from joint to joint and is agonizing at night or for touch. Iodum is used for joints that feel tight and pain that is worse at night, when the bones are also affected; and Spigelia, for tearing pain near the joints as if a knife were scraping along the bones.

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