Vertigo & Homeopathy
Vertigo, sensation of
spinning around or of seeing nearby objects revolve. Vertigo tends to be
accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headache, or sweating.
Diseases of the cerebral
cortex, eye muscles, or cerebellum can cause true vertigo, but such diseases
are rare. Inflammation, infection, or other diseases of the semicircular canals
of the inner ear, such as labyrinthitis (inflammation of the labyrinth), are
more common causes and are frequently accompanied by auditory sensations, such
as deafness and ringing in the ear (aural vertigo), and by rapid eye movements
(nystagmus). These diseases generally last only a few weeks, during which the
vertigo is usually experienced briefly and intermittently.
In his article, David H.
Frankel explained that Vertigo is one of the least pleasant symptoms one can
think of. It is frightening, often sudden and unprovoked, and always miserable.
It is not surprising, therefore, that vertigo is a symptom that brings patients
to their doctors. Although the word "Vertigo" is commonly assumed to
be the same as dizziness, it is actually a distinct type of dizziness.
"Dizziness is a
general term for sense of disorientation", writes Dr. Robert W. Baloh of
the University of California in Los
Angeles, in a recent issue of the international
medical journal, The Lancet.
"Vertigo", on the
other hand, is "an illusion of movement, usually a sense of rotation … a
sensation of linear displacement or tilt." Another distinction between the
two is that vertigo, unlike dizziness, is often accompanied by other unpleasant
symptoms such as pallor, nausea, vomiting and sweating.
Vertigo can be caused by
peripheral disturbances, such as diseases or conditions of vestibular system of
the inner ear, or it can be central, due to tumours or other diseases of the
brain or brain stem. Doctors can often tell the difference between peripheral
and central vertigo by asking patients about their symptoms and then doing a
few, simple maneuvers during the physical examination. One of the key findings
doctors look for is nystagmus.
Nystagmus appears as rapid,
jerky, rotary or up-and-down eye movements that may occur after a rapid change
of position.
Sometimes, more advanced
techniques, such as brain scans are needed to find the cause. Peripheral
vertigo is usually accompanied by more pronounced nausea and vomiting. In
addition, patients often complain of hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the
ears) and the sensation of ear fullness or pain in the ear.
Many of these symptoms are
caused by Menier’s syndrome. In this condition, attacks of vertigo are
recurrent and accompanied by hearing loss and tinnitus. Occasionally, and most
dramatically patients may experience sudden falling spells.
Migraine is another common
cause of vertigo, and in fact up to 25 percent of patients with migraine may
suffer from vertigo. The problem is most common in adolescent girls.
Vertigo often accompanies
the headache, but not always. Sometimes migraine patients with vertigo also
experience visual loss, double vision and difficulty in walking or speaking.
In older patients,
transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, are a common cause of vertigo. The attacks
begin abruptly and last several minutes. They are due to atherosclerosis of
arteries to the brain and patients with this condition often have a history of
other atherosclerotic diseases such as heart attacks or poor circulation in the
Positional vertigo is
caused by changes in position. One condition, known as benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo typically occurs when turning over in bed, getting in or out
of bed, stooping or bending the head backward to look up. It is caused by head
trauma or viral infection. The vertigo is brief, lasting for less than half a
More serious causes for
positional vertigo include multiple sclerosis and tumours of the brain stem and
cerebellum, the portion of the brain that helps fine tune body movements.
Treatment of vertigo, of
course, depends upon the cause. In Menier’s syndrome, therapy consists of salt
restriction and diuretics. Occasionally surgery is necessary. Vertigo due to
migraine is treated with a variety of medicines intended to reduce the arterial
spasm, and vertigo induced by vertibrobasilar insufficiency is treated with
aspirin or other drugs that inhibit blood clotting.
But no matter what therapy
is used to treat the underlying cause of vertigo, the annoying and often
debilitating symptoms must also be attended. None of the agents for this is
recommended for long-term use, as they may interfere with the normal
compensation process of the body.
However, Homœopathy has a
better and most effective solution to different kinds of vertigo and it can be
treated quite successfully in a shorter period of time.
Vertigo on turning the
head. ----- Calc., Con., Kali-c.
Vertigo on moving the head.
----- Bry., Calc., Con.
Vertigo on looking up.
----- Puls., Sil.
Vertigo on looking down.
----- Phos., Spig., Sulph.
Vertigo from odour of
flowers. ----- Nux-v., Phos.
Vertigo on going down
winding stairs. ----- Gins.
Vertigo on blwoing nose.
----- Culex., Codein.
Vertigo on watching or loss
of sleep. ----- Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo on the least noise.
----- Ther.
Vertigo while walking.
----- Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.
Vertigo while studying or
reading. ----- Am-c., Arn., Cupr., Cur., Graph., Grat., Nat-m.
Vertigo while or after
eating. ----- Grat., Nux-v., Puls.
Vertigo as if whirling.
----- Bry., Con., Cycl., Puls.
Vertigo as if the bed
turned. ----- Con.
Vertigo with fainting.
----- Nux-v.
Vertigo with staggering.
----- Arg-n., Gels., Nux-v., Phos.
Vertigo with eyes closed.
----- Apis, Arg-n., Arn., Calad., Chel., Lach., Nat-m., Sil., Stram., Ther.,
Vertigo with dimness of
sight. ----- Cycl., Gels., Nux-v.
Vertigo aggravated on lying
on right side. ----- Mur-ac.
Vertigo when rising from
seat. ----- Bry., Phos.
Vertigo when rising from
stooping. ----- Bell.
Vertigo while eating. -----
Vertigo from lifting head.
----- Popul-c.
Vertigo when rising from
bed. ----- Bry., Chel., Cocc.
Vertigo when stooping.
----- Bell., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph.
Vertigo when ascending.
----- Calc.
Vertigo when descending.
----- Bor., Con., Fer., Gels., Plat., Sanic., Vib.
Vertigo when lying. -----
Vertigo must lie down.
----- Bry., Cocc., Phos., Puls.
Vertigo with occipital
pain. ----- Gels., Clon., Petr., Sil.
Vertigo after sleep. -----
Vertigo after suppressed
menses. ----- Cycl., Puls.
Vertigo of the aged. -----
Iod., Phos.
Vertigo from indigestion.
----- Bry., Nux-v., Puls.
Vertigo from congestion.
----- Bell., Gels., Glon.
Vertigo from brain-fag.
----- Chin., Ph-ac., Phos., Sulph., Zinc.
Vertigo from headache.
----- Apis, Bell., Calc., Con., Croc., Hydr-ac., Fer., Iod., Lac-c., Lil-t.,
Nux-v., Onos., Sil., Stro., Sulph.
Vertigo from heart
disorders. ----- Cact., Kali-c., Lach., Phos., Ver.
Vertigo from feeble heart’s
action. ----- Dig.
Vertigo from ear diseases.
----- Caust., Gels., Stram.
Vertigo after coition.
----- Bov., Ph-ac., Sep.
Vertigo while crossing
bridge. ----- Bar-c., Bro., Lyss.
Vertigo while crossing
running water. ----- Arg-m., Bell,
Bro., Fer., Hyos., Lyss., Sulph.
Vertigo in dark. -----
Alum., Arg-n., Kali-i., Pic-ac., Stram.
Vertigo with deafness.
----- Merc-c.
Vertigo after emissions.
----- Bov., Caust., Nat-s., Sars.
Vertigo, falls backward.
----- Chin., Spig., Rhus-t.
Vertigo, falls forward.
----- Nat-m., Rhus-t.
Vertigo, falls to left.
----- Nat-m., Sil.
Vertigo, falls to right.
----- Calc., Caust., Sil., Zinc.
Vertigo, falls sideways.
----- Benz-ac., Calc., Cocc., Nux-v.
Vertigo with female
symptoms. ----- Cycl.
Vertigo with fevers. -----
Carb-v., Cocc., Kali-c., Puls.
Vertigo after fright. -----
Vertigo from gas light.
----- Caust.
Vertigo from hair binding.
----- Sulph-I
Vertigo, as if intoxicated.
----- Gels., Nux-v.
Vertigo with nausea and
vomiting. ----- Chin-s., Cocc., Fer., Lapp., Lob., Petr., Sel., Ther.
Vertigo at night. ----- Tarn.
Vertigo felt in occiput.
----- Bry., Carb-v., Con., Gels., Petr., Sil., Ver., Zinc.
Vertigo, periodical. -----
Cocc., Nat-m., Phos.
Vertigo during pregnancy.
----- Alet., Gels., Nat-m.
Vertigo with ringing in
ears. ----- Lith., Ph-ac.
Vertigo while sewing. -----
Vertigo while shaving.
----- Carb-an.
Vertigo while sitting.
----- Apis, Meph., Phos., Puls, Sulph.
Vertigo with sleepiness.
----- Æth., Gels., Laur., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Sil.
Vertigo while smoking.
----- Gels., Nat-m., Nux-v., Tab.
Vertigo while sneezing.
----- Apis, Nux-v., Seneg.
Vertigo with sparks before
eyes. ----- Ign.
Vertigo with stomach pain.
----- Cic.
Vertigo in Summer. -----
Vertigo while facing Sun.
----- Agar., Glon., Kali-p., Nat-c.
Vertigo followed by
unconsciousness. ----- Sil.
Vertigo while walking.
----- Anac.
Vertigo with weakness.
----- Æth., Colch., Crot-h., Echi., Sel.
Vertigo while looking out
of window. ----- Ox-ac.
Vertigo while standing near
window. ----- Nat-m.
Vertigo while writing.
----- Graph., Kali-bi., Sep.
Vertigo aggravated by Tea.
----- Nat-m., Sep.
Vertigo with chocking of
throat. ----- Iber.
Vertigo with trembling.
----- Crot-h., Gels., Zinc.
Vertigo as if falling of wall
on her. ----- Arg-n., Saba.
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