Friday, September 23, 2016

Mother tincture in Homeopathy

Mother tinctures 
(Internal Use).
Chrysarobinum *Acne*
Bellis Perrenis *Acne*
Eugenia Jambos *Acne*Acne worse during scanty menses. Acne are very much painful here.
Echinacea *Acne* Can be applied on face mixed with any facial cream.
Berberis Aquifolium *Acne* Clears the complexion. It is useful in acne, small pimples, roughness of skin of face etc. It can be given in 6c or 30c potency internally.
Icthyolum *Acne rosacea*
Chaparro Amorgosa *Acute Diarrhœa, Dysentry* 5 drops with plain water should be taken every four hourly.
Ricinus Communis *Agalactea* To increase the flow of milk in nursing women.
Jonosia Asoca *Amenorrhœa* 5 drops mixed with half a cup of water should be taken twice a day. It gives result in seven days.
Urtica Urens *Angio-neurotic œdema*
Cinnamonum *Antiseptic*
Myristica Sebifera *Antiseptic*
Echinacea *Antiseptic* Bed sores, Carbuncles, Insect-bites, Gangrene.
Borax *Aphthæ*
Eupatorium Aromaticum *Aphthæ* Aphthous disease of mouths of infants.
Jaborandi *Baldness* Mix it with hair oil and apply it. It can be mixed with Arnica mother tincture also to get a better result.
Sulphur Oil *Barber's itch*
Cedron *Bites* For insect stings and snake bites.
Kali Permanganatum *Bites* Insect bites. Dog bites. Snake bites
Ferrum Phos *Bleeding* To arrest bleeding.
Adrenalin *Bleeding* To plug the internal bleeding surface, as in epistaxis to stop the bleeding immediately. 1 : 1000 solution.
Hamamelis *Bleeding*
Mag Sulph *Boils*
Bellis Perrenis *Boils*
Acalypha Indica*Bronchiactesis*Dry hard cough is followed by hæmoptysis. Patient is worse at night and in the morning. Blood may be bright red in the morning and dark clotted in the afternoon.
Bellis Perrenis*Bruises*
Arnica Montana *Bruises, contusions, ecchymosis* Skin surface is not broken.
Urtica Urens *Burns, scalds*
Cantharis *Burns and scalds* Relieves raw burning pain and promotes healing, covers acute nephritis. One gram of the tincture to one ounce of water is to be applied externally.
Apis Mellifica *Burns and scalds* With burning and stinging.
Momordica Balsamica *Burns*
Carbolic Acid *Burns* Which tend to ulcerate.
Condurango *Cancer* Epithelioma of the lips or anus. For the ulcerative stage of carcinoma cutis.
Scrophularia Nodosa *Cancer* For cancerous glands locally.
Cuprum Sulph *Cancer* Inoperable cases of sarcoma.
Lupulus *Cancer* Painful cancer.
Symphytum *Cancer* Sarcomas of antrum.
Citric Acid *Cancer* Used as a mouth wash for cancer pains.
Cinnamonum *Cancer* Where pain and fœtor are present.
Hydrastis Canadensis *Cancers*
Myristica Sebifera *Carbuncles*
Cineraria Maritima *Cataract*
Momordica Balsamica *Chapped hands*
Oleum Jecoris *Children* For dwarfish children, emaciated and premature infants.
Icthyolum *Chillblains*
Euphrasia *Conjunctivitis*
Cascara Sagrada *Constipation* Palliative for constipation. 10 to 15 drops should be taken with plain water at bed time.
Cineraria Maritima *Corneal opacities*
Zincum Sulph *Corneal opacities*
Hypericum *Corns* Painful corns. It should be applied 2 to 3 times per day. It can be applied on painful acne also.
Balsamum Peru *Cracked nipples*
Cochleria Armoracia *Dandruff*
Badiaga *Dandruff*
Naphthaline *Dermatitis*
Cantharis *Dermatitis* With blister formation.
Syzygium Jambolinum *Diabetes Mellitus* 5 drops should be taken twice a day after meals. You can take mixture ofSyzygium, Cephalandra, Rhus aromatica and Gymnema Sylvestra for Diabetes Mellitus.
Apocynum *Diuretic* It reduces the swelling on feet. It should be given in 6c potency.
Mullein Oil *Ear affections* Deafness, pain in the ear, chronic suppurative otitis media.
Icthyolum *Eczema* Chronic eczema.
Skookum Chuck *Eczema* Chronic eczema and dermatitis.
Graphites *Eczema* Chronic eczema with sticky honey like discharges.
Hydrastis Canadensis *Eruptions* Small-pox like eruptions.
Mag Sulph *Erysipelas*
Apis Mellifica *Erysipelas*
Cantharis *Erysipelas*
Carboneum Sulph *Facial neuralgia*
Arnica Montana *Falling of hair*
Kali Mur *Fissure*
Ratanhia *Fissure*
Hamamelis *Fissures*
Condurango *Fissures* About the muco-cutaneous outlets.
Myristica Sebifera *Fistulas*
Badiaga *Freckles*
Dioscoria Villosa *Gall stone colic* Relieves gall stone colic but here, patient is better by bending backward.
Ruta Graveolens *Ganglion*
Bellis Perrenis *General soreness*
Icthyolum *Gout*Gouty joints*
Alfa Alfa *Growing child, Nursing mother* It is best for growing children. It also increases milk secretion in nursing mother.
Terminalia Chebula *Gum diseases*
Erigeron *Hæmaturia*
Hamamelis *Hæmengioma* It is used where there is any local congestion, like hæmengioma.
Fucus Religiosa *Hæmoptysis 1* There is no specific indications.
Sanguinaria *Hæmoptysis 2* Here sputum is very offensive. There may be hæmoptysis after suppression of menses.
Ceanothus *Hair tonic*
Terminalia Chebula *Halitosis*
Chrysarobinum *Herpes*
Capsicum *Herpes labialis*
Graphites *Herpes zoster*
Cantharis *Herpes zoster*
Lycopus Virginica *High blood pressure* Controls high blood pressure. 5 drops with half a cup of water, twice a day after meals would control high blood pressure.
Baryta Mur *High blood pressure* Systolic blood pressure is high and diastolic blood pressure is low. But it should be given in 3x trituration.
Rhus Toxicodendron *Impetigo*
Apis Mellifica *Insect bites* Especially bee-stings.
Piscidia *Insomnia* Here cause of insomnia is mental worries. 5 to 10 drops can be taken with half a cup of plain water.
Psoralia *Leucoderma* It should be applied on patches and the patient is advised to take sunheat, in the morning for 10-15 minutes. If there is itching, it should be stopped immediately.
Staphysagria *Lice* Lice infestation on head.
China *Liver complaints, gall stone* It is a well known medicine for liver complaints, but here, it is used to relieve gall stone colic. Patient is better by bending double.
Chelidonium *Liver tonic* When there is loss of appetite, irregular stools, liverspots on face and tenderness of liver it is the best medicine. It can also be taken in 3x potency also.
Viscum Album *Low blood pressure* 5 drops with half a cup of water is enough to increase blood pressure. It should be taken twice a day after meals.
Phytolacca *Mastitis* Toothache in carious teeth.
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris *Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia* It is best to control uterine hæmorrhage in menorrhagia or metrorrhagia like conditions. Sabina also should be thought of for this conditions.
Arnica Montana *Muscular stiffness* Resulting from over work, exposure to cold and dampness.
Bryonia Alba *Myalgia* Especially of the intercostal muscles.
Bellis Perrenis *Nævi*
Sanguinaria *Nasal polyp* It is best for nasal washing. When there is a nasal polyp, or deviated nasal septum. Take seven drops, mix with half a cup of water and take nasal wash.
Aquilegia *Nervousness* It is specially for nervous hysterical women. There is one other medicine Cypripedium, it is also given to nervous hysterical women.
Phytolacca *Obesity*
Fucus *Obesity* Take 5 drops, mixed with half a cup of water, twice a day.
Chloralum *Offensive foot sweat*
Euphrasia *Opacities*
Argentum Nitricum *Ophthalmia*
Mag Sulph *Orchitis*
Phytolacca *Otorrhœa*
Kali Permanganatum *Otorrhœa* Chronic otorrhœa.
Thuja Occidentalis *Piles*
Ratanhia *Piles*
Collinsonia *Piles* Bleeding piles. 5 drops, mixed with plain water should be given, twice a day. When this medicine fails tryMillefolium.
Hamamelis *Piles* Bleeding piles.
Kali Mur *Piles*
Æsculus Hippocastanum *Piles* Non-bleeding, with prolapse, with backache.
Bryonia Alba *Pneumonia*
Lemna Minor *Polyp* Nasal polypi.
Teucrium Marum Verum *Polyp* Nasal polypi.
Hypericum *Post-operative* Relieves post-operative pains.
Arnica Montana *Premature greying of hair*
Syzygium Jambolinum *Prickly heat*
Sabal Serrulata *Prostate enlargement* When micturition is difficult.
Menthol *Pruritus*
Phytolacca *Pruritus*
Symphytum *Pruritus ani*
Borax *Pruritus pudendii*
Mentha Piperata *Pruritus vaginæ*
Icthyolum *Psoriasis*
Chrysarobinum *Psoriasis*
Phytolacca *Pyorrhœa* As a mouthwash for pyorrhœa alveolaris and for offensive breath.
Sarsaparilla *Renal colic* Right sided renal colic.
Berberis Vulgaris *Renal stone* When there is left sided renal colic, think of this medicine.
Balsamum Peru *Rhagades*
Alstonia Scholaris *Rheumatic pains*
Rhus Toxicodendron *Rheumatic pains*
Oleum Jecoris *Ringworm*
Chrysophanic Acid *Ringworm, psoriasis, eczema* Where the eruptions are crusty, under which pus oozes.
Chrysarobinum *Ringworm* Of the scalp.
Sulphur *Scabies*
Balsamum Peru *Scabies*
Icthyolum *Scabies*
Thiosinaminum *Scar tissue*Dissolves scar tissue. Keloids.
Ranunculus Bulbosus *Sciatica*
Bryonia Alba *Sciatica*
Carboneum Sulph *Sciatica*
Mag Sulph *Septic conditions*
Damiana *Sexual tonic* Other name of this medicine is Turnera.
Passiflora *Sleeplessness* It is best for old age people. It can be taken 20 to 60 drops with water at bed time. It also decreases blood pressure, so it is the medicine for high blood pressure.
Thea *Sleeplessness, Tea habit* It is given for nervous sleeplessness with history of tea habit.
Badiaga *Sore muscles*
Eupatorium Aromaticum *Sore nipples*
Graphites *Sore nipples*
Phytolacca *Sore throat* Take 5 drops, mix with half a cup of water and gargle.
Rhus Toxicodendron *Sprains*
Bryonia Alba *Stiff neck*
Condurango *Stricture œsophagus*
Badiaga *Swollen glands*
China *Tonic 1* It is to be taken before meal and it acts as a best tonic. Other tonic is Gentiana + Quassia + Hydrastis. But it should be taken (5 drops each) after meal. It is the best tonic for Tubercular patients.
Euphrasia *Trachoma*
Argentum Nitricum *Trachoma*
Bellis Perrenis *Trauma* Venous congestion due to mechanical causes.
Platanus *Tumors* Tarsal tumours.
Hamamelis *Ulcerations*
Hydrastis Canadensis *Ulcers*
Hydrastinum Muriaticum *Ulcers* Aphthous ulcers, ulcerated sore throat.
Geranium Maculatum *Ulcers* Atonic and foul ulcers. To destroy the pyogenic membrane.
Graphites *Ulcers* Chronic ulcers.
Carbolic Acid *Ulcers* Foul smelling ulcers.
Cistus Canadensis *Ulcers* Phagedenic ulcers, to arrest fœtid discharges.
Balsamum Peru *Ulcers* Raw surfaces of indolent ulcers. To promote granulation and remove fœtor.
Alstonia Scholaris *Ulcers*
Symphytum *Ulcers, sores*
Apis Mellifica *Urticaria*
Urtica Urens *Urticaria*
Hamamelis *Varicose veins*
Sempervivum Tectorum *Warts*
Sabina *Warts*
Kali Permanganatum *Warts*
Thuja Occidentalis *Warts, excrescences*
Ratanhia *Worms* Thread worms.
Sempervivum Tectorum *Wounds* Bites of insects, bee stings, poisoned wounds.
Calendula Officinalis *Wounds* Burns, sores, fissures and abrasions.
Phytolacca *Wounds* Incised wounds*
Ledum Palustre *Wounds* In cases of punctured wounds to prevent tetanus. Insect bites.
Cistus Canadensis *Wounds* Poisonous wounds. Bites.
Hypericum *Wounds* Punctured wounds, crushed injuries of fingers. For bites and stings of animals and insects. Injuries to nerves. Prevents tetanus.

Complete cure of Tonsillitis with Homeopathy


Tonsils play a very important role in the body defence against allergic diseases. They are situated at the base of the mouth at the junction of opening of pharynx and oesophagus. These collections of lymphoid tissues are of three types :
·         Pharyngeal Tonsil/Adenoids.
·         Palatine Tonsils.
·         Lingual Tonsils.
Both Tonsil and Adenoids serve to fight and collect micro-organisms from entering in the chest through the throat.
·         Tendency for repeated attack of cough and cold e. g. in 10-15 days. These attacks may be accompanied with high fever.
·         Pain in the throat which sometimes extends to the ear.
·         Unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth.
·         Hoarseness.
·         Snoring and breathing through the mouth.
·         Deafness.
 The tonsils which are like two guards fighting and preventing the diseases from spreading ; over a period of time become enlarged and unhealthy leading to a condition called Chronic Tonsillitis.
·         Recurrent cough.
·         Increases susceptibility to other respiratory infections e. g. Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma etc.
·         Poor health and growth.
·         Lack of usual vigour.
·         Development of changes in temperament such as tantrums and bouts of crying for little reason.
·         Difficulty in speech and swallowing.
·         Enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

The homoeopathic treatment helps in curing tonsillitis by :
·         Reducing the size of the tonsils thus converting enlarged, unhealthy tonsils to healthy ones.
·         Increasing the resistance (immunity) to repeated infections/exposure to allergens.
·         Reducing the intensity and frequency of recurrent attack of cough and cold.
 It is an erroneous idea that the surgical removal of tonsils decreases the individual’s susceptibility to catch infection.
Experience shows that such a drastic measure increases the susceptibility and the allergic patients suffer from allergy all the more especially in diseases like Sinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis and Bronchial Asthma.
 The following foods should be strictly avoided during the period of homoeopathic treatment :
·         Cold Foods And Drinks.
o    Cold Drinks.
o    Ice Cream.
o    Other cold foods.
·         Sour Foods.
o    Curd.
o    Fruit Juice.
o    Tomato Soup.
o    Vinegar.
o    Pickle.
o    Sambhar.
o    Rasam.
o    Ketchup.
o    Fruits – Orange, Lemon, Sour Grapes.
·         Oily Foods.
o    Fried foods e. g. foods prepared in oil, butter, ghee.
It is one of the chief remedies at the beginning of Acute Tonsillitis especially in children, with high fever and all the symptoms of congestion. The tonsils are enlarged and inflamed, throat is dry as if glazed, especially on the right side. Dry cough with foreign body sensation in the throat associated with difficulty in swallowing liquids. There is hoarseness and the throat feels constricted.  
Baryta Carb.
This is perhaps the most useful and unfailing remedy for Acute Tonsillitis especially in repeated attacks when the tonsils inflame, smell and suppurate repeatedly leading to chronic hypertrophy. As per Dr. Burnett this remedy is the biggest tonsil remedy and when tonsils are enlarged due to repeated vaccinations Thuja or Silicia should be used. Similarly when it is due to Tubercular Diathesis, Bacillinum should be used first and then Baryta Carb.
. Inflammation and swelling of left tonsil, velum elongated causing cough, next day both tonsils involved (left to right). Painful swelling of tonsils and sub-maxillary glands.
Kali Mur.
Tonsils excessively swollen ; stringy, tough mucus. Swallowing excessively painful, even water or the softest bread ; must twist his neck to get it down. One of the best remedies for Follicular Tonsillitis. Tonsils are inflamed and enlarged so much that the patient can hardly breathe. There are grayish-white spots/deposits on the tonsils.
Aurum Met.
Tonsils swollen and ulcerated. Drinks find a passage through the nostrils. Stinging soreness in throat only when swallowing.
Pain in left tonsil, with swollen feeling. Quinsy, intense pain to ears on swallowing, profuse, offensive saliva ; tough mucus in throat, must hawk continually ; tendency to quinsy.
Heat and burning in throat, at times, chiefly in tonsils, with lancinations. Swelling, redness and pain in tonsils, as if raw.
Tonsillitis, on swallowing a stitch runs up from throat into ear. Both tonsils inflamed and swollen. 

Left tonsil enlarged, congested, dark reddish, right painful on swallowing at 2 p. m. ; left painful at 9 p. m.  ; next morning congestion of left extending along Eustachian Tube and causing pain in ear. Lancinations in right tonsil.
Gun Powder.
Septic tonsillitis.
                                         Hepar Sulph.
When suppuration is inevitable. It is used after Bell. When the sharp, sticking, lancinating pains with throbbing and chill indicate the beginning of suppuration – it may even then prevent suppuration, and abscess formation when given in the incipiency of that process. The tonsils are large, hearing poor and there is sensation of fish-bone in the throat. It is followed by Mercurius when pus has already formed.
It is indicated when the disease starts in the right side and extends to the left with high temperature, crying out during sleep and awakening from sleep, cross and irritable. The tonsils become large and are apt to be studded with small indurated ulcers.
It is indicated after Hepar and is suited to a more advanced state when pus has been formed and you wish it evacuated. The tonsil is enlarged and encroaches on neighbouring parts and the breathing is labored. Mercurius given at this stage, low and repeatedly, will cause a quick-breaking of the abscess, relieving all the symptoms.
 Note of Warning : If given earlier the case will be spoilt and the course of the disease will be greatly lengthened.
As per Dr. Burnett, to completely cure the case, Bacillinum 200, 1M, 10M and even higher is often required. This remedy not only helps the tonsils and adenoids, but cures a tendency to chronic colds, sinusitis and most conditions pertaining to nose, throat and chest.
In addition to above remedies, any indicated remedy can be used and most probably Sulphur, Calc-c., Calc-p. and Sil.are often needed.

Vertigo & Homeopathy

Vertigo & Homeopathy

Vertigo, sensation of spinning around or of seeing nearby objects revolve. Vertigo tends to be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headache, or sweating.

Diseases of the cerebral cortex, eye muscles, or cerebellum can cause true vertigo, but such diseases are rare. Inflammation, infection, or other diseases of the semicircular canals of the inner ear, such as labyrinthitis (inflammation of the labyrinth), are more common causes and are frequently accompanied by auditory sensations, such as deafness and ringing in the ear (aural vertigo), and by rapid eye movements (nystagmus). These diseases generally last only a few weeks, during which the vertigo is usually experienced briefly and intermittently.

In his article, David H. Frankel explained that Vertigo is one of the least pleasant symptoms one can think of. It is frightening, often sudden and unprovoked, and always miserable. It is not surprising, therefore, that vertigo is a symptom that brings patients to their doctors. Although the word "Vertigo" is commonly assumed to be the same as dizziness, it is actually a distinct type of dizziness.

"Dizziness is a general term for sense of disorientation", writes Dr. Robert W. Baloh of the University of California in Los Angeles, in a recent issue of the international medical journal, The Lancet.

"Vertigo", on the other hand, is "an illusion of movement, usually a sense of rotation … a sensation of linear displacement or tilt." Another distinction between the two is that vertigo, unlike dizziness, is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms such as pallor, nausea, vomiting and sweating.

Vertigo can be caused by peripheral disturbances, such as diseases or conditions of vestibular system of the inner ear, or it can be central, due to tumours or other diseases of the brain or brain stem. Doctors can often tell the difference between peripheral and central vertigo by asking patients about their symptoms and then doing a few, simple maneuvers during the physical examination. One of the key findings doctors look for is nystagmus.

Nystagmus appears as rapid, jerky, rotary or up-and-down eye movements that may occur after a rapid change of position.

Sometimes, more advanced techniques, such as brain scans are needed to find the cause. Peripheral vertigo is usually accompanied by more pronounced nausea and vomiting. In addition, patients often complain of hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and the sensation of ear fullness or pain in the ear.

Many of these symptoms are caused by Menier’s syndrome. In this condition, attacks of vertigo are recurrent and accompanied by hearing loss and tinnitus. Occasionally, and most dramatically patients may experience sudden falling spells.

Migraine is another common cause of vertigo, and in fact up to 25 percent of patients with migraine may suffer from vertigo. The problem is most common in adolescent girls.

Vertigo often accompanies the headache, but not always. Sometimes migraine patients with vertigo also experience visual loss, double vision and difficulty in walking or speaking.

In older patients, transient ischemic attacks, or TIAs, are a common cause of vertigo. The attacks begin abruptly and last several minutes. They are due to atherosclerosis of arteries to the brain and patients with this condition often have a history of other atherosclerotic diseases such as heart attacks or poor circulation in the legs.

Positional vertigo is caused by changes in position. One condition, known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo typically occurs when turning over in bed, getting in or out of bed, stooping or bending the head backward to look up. It is caused by head trauma or viral infection. The vertigo is brief, lasting for less than half a minute.

More serious causes for positional vertigo include multiple sclerosis and tumours of the brain stem and cerebellum, the portion of the brain that helps fine tune body movements.

Treatment of vertigo, of course, depends upon the cause. In Menier’s syndrome, therapy consists of salt restriction and diuretics. Occasionally surgery is necessary. Vertigo due to migraine is treated with a variety of medicines intended to reduce the arterial spasm, and vertigo induced by vertibrobasilar insufficiency is treated with aspirin or other drugs that inhibit blood clotting.

But no matter what therapy is used to treat the underlying cause of vertigo, the annoying and often debilitating symptoms must also be attended. None of the agents for this is recommended for long-term use, as they may interfere with the normal compensation process of the body.

However, Homœopathy has a better and most effective solution to different kinds of vertigo and it can be treated quite successfully in a shorter period of time.


Vertigo on turning the head. ----- Calc., Con., Kali-c.

Vertigo on moving the head. ----- Bry., Calc., Con.

Vertigo on looking up. ----- Puls., Sil.

Vertigo on looking down. ----- Phos., Spig., Sulph.

Vertigo from odour of flowers. ----- Nux-v., Phos.

Vertigo on going down winding stairs. ----- Gins.

Vertigo on blwoing nose. ----- Culex., Codein.

Vertigo on watching or loss of sleep. ----- Cocc., Nux-v.

Vertigo on the least noise. ----- Ther.

Vertigo while walking. ----- Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.

Vertigo while studying or reading. ----- Am-c., Arn., Cupr., Cur., Graph., Grat., Nat-m.

Vertigo while or after eating. ----- Grat., Nux-v., Puls.

Vertigo as if whirling. ----- Bry., Con., Cycl., Puls.

Vertigo as if the bed turned. ----- Con.

Vertigo with fainting. ----- Nux-v.

Vertigo with staggering. ----- Arg-n., Gels., Nux-v., Phos.

Vertigo with eyes closed. ----- Apis, Arg-n., Arn., Calad., Chel., Lach., Nat-m., Sil., Stram., Ther., Thuj.

Vertigo with dimness of sight. ----- Cycl., Gels., Nux-v.

Vertigo aggravated on lying on right side. ----- Mur-ac.

Vertigo when rising from seat. ----- Bry., Phos.

Vertigo when rising from stooping. ----- Bell.

Vertigo while eating. ----- Kissingen

Vertigo from lifting head. ----- Popul-c.

Vertigo when rising from bed. ----- Bry., Chel., Cocc.

Vertigo when stooping. ----- Bell., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph.

Vertigo when ascending. ----- Calc.

Vertigo when descending. ----- Bor., Con., Fer., Gels., Plat., Sanic., Vib.

Vertigo when lying. ----- Con.

Vertigo must lie down. ----- Bry., Cocc., Phos., Puls.

Vertigo with occipital pain. ----- Gels., Clon., Petr., Sil.

Vertigo after sleep. ----- Lach.

Vertigo after suppressed menses. ----- Cycl., Puls.

Vertigo of the aged. ----- Iod., Phos.

Vertigo from indigestion. ----- Bry., Nux-v., Puls.

Vertigo from congestion. ----- Bell., Gels., Glon.

Vertigo from brain-fag. ----- Chin., Ph-ac., Phos., Sulph., Zinc.

Vertigo from headache. ----- Apis, Bell., Calc., Con., Croc., Hydr-ac., Fer., Iod., Lac-c., Lil-t., Nux-v., Onos., Sil., Stro., Sulph.

Vertigo from heart disorders. ----- Cact., Kali-c., Lach., Phos., Ver.

Vertigo from feeble heart’s action. ----- Dig.

Vertigo from ear diseases. ----- Caust., Gels., Stram.

Vertigo after coition. ----- Bov., Ph-ac., Sep.

Vertigo while crossing bridge. ----- Bar-c., Bro., Lyss.

Vertigo while crossing running water. ----- Arg-m., Bell, Bro., Fer., Hyos., Lyss., Sulph.

Vertigo in dark. ----- Alum., Arg-n., Kali-i., Pic-ac., Stram.

Vertigo with deafness. ----- Merc-c.

Vertigo after emissions. ----- Bov., Caust., Nat-s., Sars.

Vertigo, falls backward. ----- Chin., Spig., Rhus-t.

Vertigo, falls forward. ----- Nat-m., Rhus-t.

Vertigo, falls to left. ----- Nat-m., Sil.

Vertigo, falls to right. ----- Calc., Caust., Sil., Zinc.

Vertigo, falls sideways. ----- Benz-ac., Calc., Cocc., Nux-v.

Vertigo with female symptoms. ----- Cycl.

Vertigo with fevers. ----- Carb-v., Cocc., Kali-c., Puls.

Vertigo after fright. ----- Op.

Vertigo from gas light. ----- Caust.

Vertigo from hair binding. ----- Sulph-I

Vertigo, as if intoxicated. ----- Gels., Nux-v.

Vertigo with nausea and vomiting. ----- Chin-s., Cocc., Fer., Lapp., Lob., Petr., Sel., Ther.

Vertigo at night. ----- Tarn.

Vertigo felt in occiput. ----- Bry., Carb-v., Con., Gels., Petr., Sil., Ver., Zinc.

Vertigo, periodical. ----- Cocc., Nat-m., Phos.

Vertigo during pregnancy. ----- Alet., Gels., Nat-m.

Vertigo with ringing in ears. ----- Lith., Ph-ac.

Vertigo while sewing. ----- Graph.

Vertigo while shaving. ----- Carb-an.

Vertigo while sitting. ----- Apis, Meph., Phos., Puls, Sulph.

Vertigo with sleepiness. ----- Æth., Gels., Laur., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Sil.

Vertigo while smoking. ----- Gels., Nat-m., Nux-v., Tab.

Vertigo while sneezing. ----- Apis, Nux-v., Seneg.

Vertigo with sparks before eyes. ----- Ign.

Vertigo with stomach pain. ----- Cic.

Vertigo in Summer. ----- Psor.

Vertigo while facing Sun. ----- Agar., Glon., Kali-p., Nat-c.

Vertigo followed by unconsciousness. ----- Sil.

Vertigo while walking. ----- Anac.

Vertigo with weakness. ----- Æth., Colch., Crot-h., Echi., Sel.

Vertigo while looking out of window. ----- Ox-ac.

Vertigo while standing near window. ----- Nat-m.

Vertigo while writing. ----- Graph., Kali-bi., Sep.

Vertigo aggravated by Tea. ----- Nat-m., Sep.

Vertigo with chocking of throat. ----- Iber.

Vertigo with trembling. ----- Crot-h., Gels., Zinc.

Vertigo as if falling of wall on her. ----- Arg-n., Saba.